media changes every day, whether they are improvements or not. I do believe
social media will absolutely become even more mobile than it already is, as we are
a society that likes instant gratification. Social media is something of a
growing organism I’ve noticed over the last few years; people come up with new
applications, new ways to use social media to their advantage and are always
updating and trying to improve the current applications and modules. I think it
is good that it grows and changes as we all do, but sometimes I also think that
you shouldn’t mess with a good thing or you will upset the users that don’t
like rapid change.
I don’t think I would add any trends to the mix necessarily as
there are so many already out there but I do like the concept of web 3.0/
semantic web. I am a bit bias on this as I am a library technician student, and
we want to organize everything, classify it, etc. it is interesting to see how
that would work as the web is so big you can’t organize everything, but it is fascinating
how they said that they could somewhat create structures by creating ‘relationships’.
Also how they want to make search engines smarter in the future, to get to know
you personally to give you appropriate answers to your requests, I think might
end up going to far as it sounds like they want to make them smarter and I end
up having flashes of I robot.
I think it is a good idea overall that they
want to give machines metadata they can read so they can understand your
requests more adequately as this will make things easier on users and more
efficient. I think with all the technology emerging and improving/ updating
that people need to be careful still and know exactly how something on the web
works and uses the information they input as anyone might be able to access
this information later- due to improvement glitches it could also end up being
leaked. Change is good, but we should approach
it cautiously.