Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Blog Post #1: Fad or Revolution?

What is your perception of social media, do you think it is a fad or the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? 


      Social media isn't a fad; it is an indispensable shift in the way we communicate. The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in history; almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way; we haven't seen anything profound since until social media, which is now the #1 activity on the web. Social media gives everyone the capabilities to participate, contribute and enables anyone to publish or access information. Social media can also be capable of virtually instant responses helping people be informed about anything they choose. Social media is very likeable and attractive in its lack of permanence as it can be altered almost instantly. 

     I myself personally use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and many other social media outlets on a daily bases; as I live far away from home they are invaluable tools for me to keep in touch with my family. I do know that some people take social media too far and post pointless things or inappropriate things and that when we post photos that Facebook 'owns' them and can sell them without your permission; which is why people need to read what they agree to and THINK about what they are sharing with the world. I use Facebook to post photos and share some details to keep my family informed and let them know that I am okay and having fun. I also love to see how they are and what they have been doing. I know that all social media has negatives but you have to decide whether the positives outweigh the negatives.
   I strongly believe that social media changed communication in the world; for the better or the worse I guess we will have to wait to find out. I do think though that it will continue to grow and be more widely known and used.


Wednesday, September 05, 2012


 This is my New Blog for my Social Media and Society course at Durham College. I am in the Library and Information Tech program, I am excited for this Class and experience, I think it is going to be lots of fun :)
